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About me


I began photography years ago, as a hobby. The older that I got, and the more that my style developed, I found that I desired to capture the small moments which had profound effects on me. The ability to preserve a memory, to stop time and be able to go back to that moment, not only visually, but the ability to transport one's self to remember the feelings, the smells, the tastes of that moment, that is what truly drew me to photography.




I began wedding photography after a horrible experience at my own wedding.  I realized with all that had went on, that really there was only one chance at these photos, These moments can never be recreated. I never wanted someone to have a similar experience to mine. I search intently for those rare and intimate moments between loved ones which still bring a smile or a tear years later.



"Capturing the moments of today that will wow your heart tomorrow"

Let's talk

473 North 8th  St. 

Kalamazoo, MI 49009

Tel: 269-217-0787


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